Artistic Statement

Since I started choreographing in my early teenage years; in school for BTEC dance, A Level dance and also outside of schools in my local community dance school, I have always had a contemporary style merged in with jazz and lyrical. I also have experience in tap, street and ballet technique which may be recognised in some of my works I have made. I am interested in exploring many ways to show emotion but not through symbolism but allowing the movement to speak for itself and to have multiple meanings allowing the audience to uncover their own meaning through the richness and intensity of the work. My works usually has an element of personal experiences within them, which would more often than not make my audience feel something and relate to it in their own personal experiences. I would however like to explore site specific works and the merge of dance and film after my training at university in Screendance. Since coming to university and training in dance I have become interested in my module Screendance. This module has taught me in a professional standard how to use a camera for video and audio recording and also how to use IMovie to edit my choreographic work for screen.

Recently I discovered a passion for a dancer’s lifestyle and the effects it can have on their heart rate. By monitoring this I have achieved results that show the fast and sharpness of the heart when intense exercise is happening and the softness and regular beating of the heart when they physically are at rest. This gave myself and my group for my choreography an idea and a score to create a dance metaphorically showing the different beats of the heart throughout a dancer’s day to day lifestyle. This will go towards my assessment for my choreography module that I am performing in it with four other dancers. Within this piece I demonstrate contemporary technique and improvisation tasks for the process of my choreography that we have come up with. For example we based 1minute to 5 minute improvisational tasks on text that related to our theme of the heart rate of an active body, also improvised with the intention of certain sensations in the body.

Another passion of mine is people’s different views on their body image and how the media represents it. I am currently working on a Screendance based on body image which explores how people feel about their appearance and how other people’s views and comments on how they look can affect how they may feel. This is a sensitive subject that I think people should be more aware of it and making choreographies on themes that will effect an audience member’s emotional state.


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